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Внимание, важная информация:
- размещение только граждан Российской Федерации и граждан Республики Беларусь.
- с 01.04.2024 с каждого гостя взимается курортный сбор в размере 100 руб/сутки.

Main Page

We are located in the Central part of St. Petersburg near Moscow Avenue and Moscow Victory Park, within walking distance from the metro stations "Electrosila", "Victory Park", and SCC "Petersburg".

Pulkovo airport is 12 km away, Moskovsky train station is 9 km away, and Nevsky Prospekt, the main Avenue of the city, is only 7 km away.

The number of rooms includes rooms of different categories and allows you to take both individual tourists and tourist groups. All rooms overlook the courtyard or the square by the house.

It offers - unguarded Parking at the house or underground secure Parking. Our pricing policy is focused on the accommodation of guests with the maximum possible amenities.

For our guests:

  • Parking spaces
  • Coffee
  • Hairdryer
  • Flatiron
  • Umbrella
  • Wi-fi

Special offer


Rooms & prices

View all rooms

Special offer

Promotions and special offers posted on the website are considered to be valid if their duration is not specified in the terms of the promotion (special offer) separately.

The cost of accommodation for shares (special offers) is tied to the cost of accommodation, valid on the day of booking. When booking from the site, in order to avoid misunderstandings, please, after booking, be SURE to call the reservation service by phone 8-800-555-30-08 (calls from Russia for free) or 8 (812) 388-12-78 and confirm the reservation for the promotion (special offer).


Food for our guests is provided by our partners, SP K. V. Kostochkina (Cafe "YYYYY"). The cafe is located in the basement of our building.


Please note that accommodation is possible only if you have identity documents:

  • Russian passport for Russian citizens
  • for Russian citizens that permanently reside abroad - a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
  • for children under 14 years - birth certificate

Minors under 18 years of age can be accommodated on their own only with a notarized permission from their parents.

Check-out time 12.00

You can book a room:

  • through the booking module
  • on the phone

You can pay for your stay:

  • cash on arrival
  • through the budget Reserve Master


Fill in the booking form or call: +7 (812) 288 12 78

Contacts Print contacts

The Hotel "U Fontana". Yip Y. S. Pechenkin

196105. Saint-Petersburg, st. Sevastyanova, 14

+7 (812) 288 12 78 +7 (812) 288 12 78 +7 (812) 288 12 78
+7 (812) 488 12 78 +7 (812) 588 12 78 (The call is free)

E-mail: hotel@ufontana.ru

GPS coordinates: 59.873840, 30.327316

Nearest metro stations: "Park Pobedy", "Electrosila" (blue line).

How to get there

from Pulkovo airport: see the route

from Moskovsky railway station: see the route

from bus station: see the route

Contact us by email Ask us your question. Our staff will contact you during the day!