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Внимание, важная информация:
- размещение только граждан Российской Федерации и граждан Республики Беларусь.
- с 01.04.2024 с каждого гостя взимается курортный сбор в размере 100 руб/сутки.


U Fontana hotel is located in the Central part of St. Petersburg, close to Moskovsky Prospekt and Moscow Victory Park, within walking distance from the metro stations "Victory Park", "Electrosila" and the sports and concert complex "Petersburg", 9 km from Moskovsky railway station and 13 km from Pulkovo airport.

The hotel includes rooms from the category of " Economy "to the category of"luxury".

We can offer our guests free unguarded Parking or paid secure underground Parking (the number of Parking spaces in the Parking lot and Parking is limited, availability check by phone when booking).

Free Wi-Fi is available in all rooms.

In the basement there is a cafe. Other dining options are also within walking distance.

Each room has a TV, refrigerator. Rooms are equipped with air conditioning (except rooms "Economy", "Standard-I", " Standard-II (single)". A Hairdryer and iron are available upon request.

There is a Luggage storage.

Contacts Print contacts

The Hotel "U Fontana". Yip Y. S. Pechenkin

196105. Saint-Petersburg, st. Sevastyanova, 14

+7 (812) 288 12 78 +7 (812) 288 12 78 +7 (812) 288 12 78
+7 (812) 488 12 78 +7 (812) 588 12 78 (The call is free)

E-mail: hotel@ufontana.ru

GPS coordinates: 59.873840, 30.327316

Nearest metro stations: "Park Pobedy", "Electrosila" (blue line).

How to get there

from Pulkovo airport: see the route

from Moskovsky railway station: see the route

from bus station: see the route

Contact us by email Ask us your question. Our staff will contact you during the day!